Episode 11: Creativity in Rest with Chanti Tacoronte-Perez
Welcome to the Radiant REST Podcast your source for all things yoga nidra, rest, sleep, and dreams. I am your host, Tracee Stanley and I believe that the unique practice of Yoga Nidra offered to us by the ancient sages, is the healing salve for our times. I am excited to share my love of all practices that lead to deep rest and all of the treasures that come from being rested. My new book Radiant REST: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity is available now!
About the Episode
In a moving conversation between friends, Tracee Stanley sits down with Chanti Tacoronte-Perez to consider the pressing topic of transitions and the ways in which change encourages creativity. They speak to the power of dream space and sleep as a mode and place of creation. Chanti discusses non-dominant handwriting and journaling after rest as a tool of connecting to a community of ancestors, and the beauty of surrender. Learn some tools of inspiration from this episode of the Radiant Rest Podcast.
Episode Notes
Chanti Tacoronte-Perez is a Cuban-American creatrix, ritualist, and author. She believes that images speak a profound language; her life’s work is a translator of the unseen and advocates for the imaginal. She holds a Masters in Engaged Humanities, Masters in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and is currently working on her dissertation on the role of imagination and the creative process as a portal to recovering the marginalized, forgotten, and silenced. Her work and teaching centers on imagination, creativity, and deep rest. She teaches workshops and collaborative training focused on creativity, dreaming, intuitive movement, restorative yoga, and yoga Nidra. Her passion and aim are to inspire all to rediscover their creative self by weaving the blessings with the wounds while honoring the land and the ancestors.
Find Chanti at her website yantrawisdom.com. Her Ritual of Rest can be found at yantrawisdom.com/rest. Her article “Pan, Panacea, and Pandora in a Time of Disintegration” can be read here: typeindepth.com/2020/09/dreams-from-a-pandemic/.
About the Podcast
The RADIANT REST podcast brings you spacious conversations with guests on all things yoga nidra, rest, sleep, and dreams.
About Your Host
Tracee Stanley creates and holds sacred space to transform, inspire and empower, utilizing the practices of Yoga Nidra, Self-inquiry, Perfect Sankalpa, ritual, nature, and sacred movement. She created the RADIANT REST to explore our birthright for deep rest and awakening to our true nature. Her book RADIANT REST: Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest and Awakened Clarity released by Shambhala Publications is available to order HERE.
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